Company Information


Leafly is the world's largest cannabis information resource and technology company. Leafly is the go-to resource for cannabis information worldwide, with more than 13 million monthly visitors and 60 million monthly page views across its websites and mobile app. With Leafly, finding the right cannabis products is fast, comfortable, and easy. Learn more about cannabis, discover new cannabis products and brands, and find and review cannabis retailers near you. Leafly boasts the world’s most comprehensive strain database, a full news and culture section, and a video platform, Leafly TV.

Company: Leafly
Company Type: Employer
Contact Name:
Industry: Social Media
Address: 333 Elliott Ave W. Seattle, WA 98119
City: Seattle
Postal Code: 98119
State: WA
State: Washington
E-mail:  [ Send Private Message ] 
Registered from: 01/10/2021
Total Jobs posted: 4
Currently available: 0

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